Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cole Rise

 Cole Rise has spent the better half of his life taking pleasure behind the lens; stalking cows and lying in the grass to capture the landscape. His work has been featured in a notable amount of international creative magazines, books, billboards, websites, posters, and even a few CD covers for bands you can find in most music stores. He can't tell you how big the universe is, or why we're really here, but his work sometimes flirts with the idea of knowing.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Simen Johan

"Johan’s series Until the Kingdom Comes explores the tension between the ideal and the grotesque, the real and the unreal and revels in the gritty underside of illusion. With glitter, crystal, pearls, beads, taxidermy, bones, cocoons, dead bugs, feathers and masses of hairlike fiber, Johan creates the landscapes of your dreams just as they threaten to slip into nightmare drawing you in by their superficial luminosity. While he works in both photography and sculpture, his photography employs taxidermy and live animals carefully superimposed on backdrops photographed in Iceland, Norway, and elsewhere."


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Frauke Thielking: On Your Marks

"I have a preference for humorous, provocative, scurrile and playful Staged Photography as well as documentary pictures. Some of my works are rather „clinical“ and reduced to the very basic, some are pretty experimental, spontaneous and personal.
I have always had a strong interest in sociological, psychological and philosophical topics and I have developed my knowledge in theoretical seminars dealing with social and cultural context of various 20th & 21rst century movements. Recently I debate on Systems Theory, Existential Philosophy, Positive Psychology and Humour Research and I am very interested in educational issues."
